
54/365 back to choir


It was my first time back at choir tonight since Christmas due to some other responsibilities I've had on Wednesday nights. Something about seeing notes on the page again and reading my part makes me happy.  Plus it seems there is always at least one song whose message is perfect for the day.

Bethany was asking me what these words mean.  I had to think about how to explain it to her, and then I realized the message is one that I've been trying to incorporate into my life for a long time--to see all of life as worship.  Each meal cooked, whether the people come when I call them or not, an offering of worship.  Each scene captured on the camera, a thank you to the Giver of all good things.  Each errand run, each load of clothing washed, each song sung, each conversation, each game attended and cheered, all done with an attitude of honoring him.  For he is not hard to please.

Amen.  Make my life an alleluia.


LauraLiz said...

Amen for me, too.

Dancingirl said...

Ha! I was coming to say amen as well!

I enjoyed both your photo and the words.